Bailey Baptist Church
Monday, March 24, 2025
We love Bailey, NC

service Schedule

Sunday Morning
9:45 AM - Sunday School
10:45 AM - Worship
6:00 PM - Evening Service
Wednesday Evening
6:30 PM - Adult Prayer and Bible Study
7:30 PM - Choir Practice


How To Join

Any professing believer may be presented as a candidate for membership in Bailey Baptist Church at any worship service in any of the following ways:
  1. Profession of Faith: All persons who are baptized by immersion upon the profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, will be received into the membership by the vote of the church. Documentation of a physical disability preventing immersion will be given special consideration. If you have never trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and would like to know more, Click here...
  2. Promise of a Letter of Transfer: All persons who are members in good standing of another church of like faith, who have been baptized by immersion are accepted by letter into the membership by vote of the church.  If at the time of the application for membership the letter of transfer has not been received, the person applying for membership will be in a watch-care relationship until the letter is received from the other church. 
  3. Statement of Prior Conversion Experience: Any person who has been a member of another church of like faith, and who have been baptized by immersion and in consequence of peculiar circumstances has lost relationship or is not able otherwise to present a letter of transfer may be received into the membership of this church upon statement to the membership and by vote of the church.
  4. Reaffirmation of faith:  Application for membership of the church under circumstances other than those described above will be considered by the church and the decision of the church will be final in each case.
All candidates for membership are subject to approval by the church body through a majority vote of the church body present during the worship service where the candidate is being presented.
Responsibility of Members 
  1. Church members are expected to be faithful in all duties essential to the Christian life.
  2. Church members are expected to support and share in the work of this church by regular attendance and giving. New church members will be encouraged to participate in any new member orientation training provided by the church.
  3. An active church member is defined as one who has attended one-fourth (¼) total of nine (9) church services (Sunday morning, Sunday night, or Wednesday night during the previous three (3) months).  Exceptions: Illnesses, church related ministry, work, and hospitalization. 
Bailey Baptist Church - 6646 Deans Street, Bailey, NC 27807 - 252-235-3663